Tuesday, January 15, 2008

tomorrow and tying update

I will be going fishing tomorrow, Right after school. 
Hopefully I can break my one fish a day streak! and catch more than one. 

Other than that, I have officially decided to stop tying flies for a while. At least until I use some of my backstock up. I mean some backstock is fine but holy shit, having three medium sized plano boxes packed with flies I will hardly ever use is kinda ridiculous. So I decided to stop tying flies until I use up some of the backstock to trees and fish. So I expect to not tie any flies for a few months. I am happy with this decision and have already put my tying crap away. Hopefully I will be able to refrain from tying. I think I can....I think I can.. lol. 

I will write tomorrow on how fishing went. Hopefully well but we'll see. 

good fishing, that is, if you aren't locked up in a cabin with snow around! ahh I love middle california, It never snows here! trout season all year long! Ha! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Chris I was reading your posts on Blogging to Gnu Bee and came over to your blog. Very nice set up. Makes me want to get into it.

Now for the comment:
Why don't you 'donate' some of those flies in a fly swap on FAOL?