Monday, January 14, 2008

Todays fishing trip

Well as I said I would be going fishing today. I did and didnt do all to great. 

I arrived later in the day at about 3:30pm and walked around the lake to find a few rising fish. I setup a indicator and Nymph. I had the 3wt with me and started working the water. Not really working it because the fish wanted the nymph to be barely moving if not at all, Which is boring as hell. 
So I got my patience up and missed a take or two and finally hooked up and brought one fish to hand on a pattern that I had just kinda thrown together the other day. As I landed the fish his head came just outta the water, and I released tension on the line and the hook fell outta the fishes mouth and the fish flipped and released himself! Nice! I didnt even have to get my fingers wet. 

It was somewhat gross though, As the fish had been hurt badly by something and half its tail was missing. You could see his tail bones clean and sticking out of his back. It was a disgusting site to say the least. 

No pictures today, I have not been taking the camera out with me lately. For no real reason other than I dont want extra weight and There havn't been any bug fish to take pictures of. 

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