Monday, January 14, 2008

Recent fishing

I have been out trout fishing over the weekend, on saturday and sunday. It has been pretty tough lately! 

I headed out on saturday optimistic about catching some fish but once I arrived Was surprised that they were not taking streamers or small soft hackles. I tried other things but nothing was the ticket, I was starting to scratch my head. I then met up with a buddy who regularly fishes there. I asked him what had been working and he said they were close in and would only take tiny stuff moving very slowly or not at all. 

So with that info I put on a Size 16 Ray charles( Not exactly tiny but hey who knows) under a Bobber (indicator). I walked on down the shore and immediately had a take. I set hook and landed the only dumb fish in the lake. That was the only fish I caught that day. The fish was small about 14". 

On sunday I went out again this time with a dry dropper set up. The dry a stimulator and the dropper a size 14 ray charles. I started walking around the lake to locate rising fish. Which I was seeing none of. And the only place they were rising was where some baitfishers were parked.( the baitfishers were not catching anything). 

Soo I waited around for the baitfishers to leave. Finally they left and me and my buddy richard took the spots. I hooked up with a fish almost immediately and brought it to hand. It was a nice fish with the exception of a sore right before its dorsal fin. my guess would be about 16". 

Then I missed a fish while i was "asleep at the fly". I was gazing at the scenery and then felt the strong tug of a fish pulling line. Yanked back into reality I tried to set the hook but missed the fish. Richard managed to land one fish as well. 

We then walked around the lake to find that someone had fed the fish and they were rising to pellets. We tried multiple dries and pheasant tails to mimic the pellets but they would not take anything. 
So recently we have been able to catch only one fish per day to avoid the dreaded skunk and that has been it. I might go out later today if all goes as planned. 

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